
The Dos and Don'ts of Borrowing in Round Table

We encourage you to develop your kleptomaniac tendencies, always in the spirting of Tabling.
These guidelines will ensure that you will conform with the International expectations, and will encourage positive outcomes in your raids.

The goal of borrowing, is to encourage fellowship, be it Local or International.

Dos and Don'ts

  1. DO only borrow items with Round Table rondels, logos and insignia. Do not borrow any other personal items.

  2. DON'T borrow if you are a guest in someone's home, be it home-hosted or during an event. Always respect your hosts.

  3. DON'T open personal bags to scavenge for items.

  4. DON'T damage the property in your care.

  5. DO ALWAYS inform your target, in the shortest reasonable amount of time, of what you borrowed and the conditions for collection.

  6. DO send a photo of the raided items. Present it in a humorous and welcoming tone. Give it a Maltese touch when possible.

  7. DO stop and return the items if you are caught in the act. Try again next time, and be better. Aspire to swipe it without being caught.

  8. You CANNOT borrow from your own Association. YOU form part of your own Association, on the contrary:

  9. DO protect your Table's and Association's objects from being borrowed by guests, especially international ones.

  10. If you fail.... DO make sure to use raided objects as an opportunity to travel. You MUST get the stuff back...

  11. NEVER borrow or move objects from Dar il-Mejda's displays or storage which you are not authorized to do.

  12. DO borrow if a Tabler or Table Council leaves their items unattended during the meeting even at Dar il-Mejda. Once objects are stowed away in the clubhouse, they are out of bounds.

  13. DO protect the Chains of Office of your Table and Association, irrespective of who they are assigned to for that year. These are highly valuable and sentimental objects and should not be mishandled. If an Officer is negligent with his Chains, a fine is duly deserved.

  14. DO focus on using your quick hands to promote fun and fellowship. During one raid we managed to borrow a full bag of RT Estonian pins. We agreed to return one pin for every pushup an Estonian Tabler made. This was a hilarious highlight.

  15. Most importantly, DO uphold the great reputation Round Table Malta has in being pirates in the international community.


  • Group Raids work best: Someone to distract, and someone to collect.

  • If you are attending an event where you suspect you will find objects to raid, take a bag with you.

Passed on with paternal ambitions - Christopher Mintoff (RTM National President 2020-2022)